Monday, April 20, 2009

The Young Marrieds...

Thinking I should give it the old college try again, I jumped right back into Young Adults at church. Not much had changed since the last event, the usual. They went to Theology on Tap, they are working on creating a new bible study that was developed by Scott Hahn, and oh yes... they started a group called Young Marrieds.


As if it wasn't awkward enough to go to Young Adults and see everyone married, now there is a group just for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people with like minds to get together, and if it involves God - then it's even better - BUT apparently now all the "Young Marrieds" are jumping ship from Young Adults, and strictly joining the other group.

Is there a particular reason to leave us? We're not diseased. We're not mean or black hearted. We just want to be friends. It kind of hurts. This is a group I can't join. It's exclusive. Because I don't have a ring on my left ring finger, I can't be at their church activities on Tuesday nights. And because they do have a ring on their left ring finger, they can't join "my kind" on Mondays? I know life is busy - believe me, work has been insane, as you can tell by the lack of updates. I just don't know why I feel so upset or betrayed by this. At least with the Knights of Columbus I can understand. You have to be a guy. I get that. And as bitter as this post sounds, I don't want to come off as griping or sounding bitter if I voice my concerns to the group. Even with the ups and downs I was already feeling, I thought we had a good thing going. Maybe I was wrong...

So what's my alternative? Do I start a strictly singles group? How about a singles bible study? And if I do either, how do I not sound spiteful?! AH!

God, give me the strength to love myself as I am. Single. Your servant. A child of light. Give me the strength to live out your plan on your time, and yours alone.


  1. At my parish there needs to be a group for the used-to-be-marrieds, as well.

  2. Hi - just found you via St. Blogs :) Fellow Catholic and newly single...

    Nice to "meet" you ;)

  3. What an interesting post to read, thanks for bringing it up.
